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Our research group is characterizing dissolved organic matter (DOM) of various sources via many advanced technologies including EEM-PARAFAC, SEC-OCD, and FTICR-MS, seeking to answer many fundamental questions on how DOM changes under given natural and engineered systems and how DOM influence the environments. Recent research is related to the studies of extending the applicability of fluorescence EEM-PARAFAC. We are also interested in inland carbon cycle and optical monitoring of DOM.

On-going Projects

Introducing our on-going projects.

Application of fluorescence chemometrics techniques to develop advanced water management systems(National Research Foundation of Korea; NRF)




Environmental Organic Carbon Forensics Laboratory(NRF)


Demonstration-scale Offshore CO2 Storage Project in Pohang Basin, Korea(Korea Institute of Energy Technology Evaluation and Planning; KETEP)


Characterization of sediment pore water organic matter and its potential flux to overlying water(Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries; MOF)


Investigation and assessment of benthic fluxes in the sediments of four major rivers(Ministry of Environment; ME)
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