Sejong University
DOM research laboratory

Assessing Trihalomethanes(THMs) and N-nitrosodimethyla-mone(NDMA) formation potentials in drinking water treatment plants using fluorescence spectroscopy and parallel factor analysis
Two humic-like and one tryptophan-like components were identified using fluorescence EEM–PARAFAC.
TTHM FP was correlated strongly with absorbance and all PARAFAC components.
NDMA FP was correlated with protein-like PARAFAC component.
Raw water DOM source and humification degree are important for the treatability of DOM and TTHM FP.

Characterizing treated wastewaters of different industries using clustered fluorescence EEM –PARAFAC and FT-IR spectroscopy: Implications for downstream impact and source identification
DOM spectroscopic features showed notable variability in 57 industrial effluents.
Fluorescence EEMs were grouped into seven clusters with distinct PARAFAC components.
Clustered analyses of FT-IR spectra provided further insight into effluent DOM reactivity.

Pre-treatments, characteristics, and biogeochemical dynamics of dissolved organic matter in sediments: A review
Sediments operate as a net source of DOC and CDOM to water column.
Sediment DOM shows more aromatic and more reduced characteristics than overlying DOM.
DOC from inland sediment DOM is generally higher than coastal areas.
Mixed sources are dominant for inland sediment DOM but not for coastal sediment DOM.

Effects of sampling methods on the quantity and quality of dissolved organic matter in sediment pore waters as revealed by absorption and fluorescence spectroscopy
Our observations were possibly explained by either the filtration effect resulting from the smaller pore size of the Rhizon sampler or the desorption of DOM molecules loosely bound to minerals during centrifugation, or both. Our study suggests that consistent use of one sampling method is crucial for PW-DOM studies and also that caution should be taken in the comparison of data collected with different sampling methods.